Tuesday, February 3, 2009

crazy son of a fish

You are one crazy son of a fish!

LOL! You probably wonder what I am talking about... or at least wonder what I'm smoking right? "Did he just call me a "crazy son of a fish"? and yes, I did call you that BECAUSE you are still reading this blog! I haven't updated since mid December and you are still reading... so you MUST be crazy!

Naw, I am just kidding around actually (well, you have to be a little crazy to be here). I am actually using this post to conduct an experiment that is top secret. Will I tell you what it's about? Yeah, I'll tell you but I can't right now because it might mess with my results...

So for now peace out you crazy son of a fish! :)


Letter Carrier University said...

dude you ae crazy! what are you talking about!!!

bigknoxy said...

Dude... Thanks for reading and this is what I am talking about:

just from that one post I (for a while at least) was #1 on google for the search term "crazy son of a fish". Just wanted to show that it could be done. :)

Letter Carrier University said...

lol thats funny! cool! so what that dude says is true! crazy!!